[commission info]

Next Opening:
July 23rd @ 24 - 8PM UTC

status : CLOSED

Hello! Thank you for considering commissioning me! Before submitting a request, please read carefully my Terms of Service. If you have any doubts or ideas you wish to to discuss, don't hesitate to contact me. You can also subscribe to my newsletter to get notifications on the next opening dates.

  • select the commission type

  • write a VERY brief description of your character and overall mood / facial expression!

  • attach as many visual references you may have that could help me better grasp what're looking for (posing, face claims if any, weapons, clothing, anything goes!)

  • submit your request

  • after payment is received, i'll start your commission as soon as possible (if the commission is on queue but you were not prompted to pay, be patient, I may just have too many requests to accept them all at once!)

  • done!

[ terms of service ]

By purchasing my commissioned art services, you hereby automatically agree to the following terms & conditions:

Rights & General

  • the artwork produced is for personal usage only (non commercial purposes/personal profit)

  • all requests are subject to evaluation

  • the artist has no obligation to accept any given request

  • credits must be given at all times for the commissioned artwork

  • the client does not hold the right to use the commissioned artwork into any AI generator, AI training data platforms or blockchain-associated third parties (nft, cryptocurrency, etc)

  • the artist possesses the right to display commissioned artworks on all of their online galleries & social media, as well as to record and publish wips and its full process

  • If the commissioned art is a fanart the artist reserves the right to sell the artwork as they see fit in the future (as prints, art books, stickers, etc)

About the Commissions

  • all goods are exclusively digital

  • default transparent/solid color/gradient background

  • what you see is what you get - the client does not receive preview sketches by default (exception: depending on the piece's complexity, you shall receive a sketch for evaluation)

  • once the adjustments on the sketch are approved no additional changes will be done after that)

  • final product will be sent to your email (300/350 dpi, png format, with signature) or through Artistree

  • commissions will take from 01 to 03 months to be completed

  • deadline pieces requires a 2 week time span notice ahead

  • urgency fees apply, depending on the type of the commission

Payment, Fees & Refunds

  • payment 100% upfront via paypal, usd only

  • payment will be requested through invoice, on Artistree platform

  • payment must be processed within the next 7 days after the acceptance of the commission

  • commission requests that are left unpaid / without reply will be automatically cut off / replace without further notice

  • refunding is no longer available due to changes in paypal policies in Brazil

  • extra fees:

ꞏ private pieces: +15$
ꞏ delivery within deadline: +25$
ꞏ addition of objects / elements / pets: +5~20$ (may vary due to complexity)


  • no purely description based only characters

  • no heavily geared up / fullplated characters

  • no weaponry design creation from scratch

  • no sensitive themes (hardcore nsfw +18 , underage, abuse, gore, SH, mecha, furry)

All artworks © Paola Pieretti [ 2021 - 2024 ]

All artworks © Paola Pieretti [ 2021 - 2024 ]


GrimBust Full Color
AnaBust Full Color *
LindHalfbody Full Color
VaheokeHalfbody Full Color
Mocha LatteHalfbody Full Color
SageHalfbody Full Color
NelyHalfbody Full Color
Sara *Halfbody Full Color
Raissa*Halfbody Full Color
4pocalypseartsFullbody Full Color x 2inking/coloring
CebbyFullbody Full Color
EmFullbody Full Color
SaraFullbody Full Color
LaraFullbody Full Color

[ Contact Me ]

If you have any questions or have a different commission idea you want to discuss, or if you are a brand / company looking to work or collab with me, feel free to contact me!

Consider subscribing to my newsletter to get upfront notifications about my next commission openings!

Thank you!

Your message has been sent!

Consider subscribing to my newsletter to get upfront notifications about my next commission openings!

Thank you!


No spam, just a friendly headsup ♥

NAMELESS: Proekt Anonimnoi

Exploring and revamping a bunch of my cyberpunk characters and their relations, while entertaining some concepts brought by the advent of AI. "Nameless" was a joke name for this OC project because most of the characters have codenames, weren't even given one due to not being human, not remembering it or were just purposefully hiding their identities.


All artworks © Paola Pieretti [ 2021 - 2024 ]


Ilya was one of first successful enhanced humans of a secret program. After losing his arm, it got forcefully replaced by a crude prototype made of carbon fiber and titanium alloys. He's usually a very quiet and reserved individual.

All artworks © Paola Pieretti [ 2021 - 2024 ]


Diamond once was a young hacker who volunteered to the program to "fix her brain", later on becoming a Cybersecurity Engineer for the party that spear headed the project. She is quite outspoken and a bit of a party hard type of person.

All artworks © Paola Pieretti [ 2021 - 2024 ]


King is a laid back techno mercenary who is always tinkering with some illegal things. He is loud, energetic and loves "vintage" stuffs and he is always cracking jokes. Can be a little clueless sometimes.

All artworks © Paola Pieretti [ 2021 - 2024 ]


Subject to radiation exposure experiment gone terrible wrong, Venin gave himself it's name and does not see himself as human anymore as interacting with people would often fatally harm them. Does not understand society due to his detachment from it at a very young age, has a lot of pent up rage.

All artworks © Paola Pieretti [ 2021 - 2024 ]


A common mass produced helper android unit, who carries within itself a hidden deadly virus code. This virus disabled it's ability to see in colors while also driving him to pursue art. He is usually polite, and have a keen eye for all beautiful things. Sometimes the virus will take over and he may act a little erratic and unhinged during his hallucinations.

All artworks © Paola Pieretti [ 2021 - 2024 ]

[ About ]

Paola Pieretti Art

I'm Paola Pieretti, a 34 yo, full time, self-taught, freelancer digital artist born and based in Brazil.In a nutshell; tech lover, fanartist, League of Legends and Genshin Impact player, mother of cats, weird shipps inventor, Mononoke & Inuyasha die-hard fan, owner of a dreadful taste in music and a doubtful sense of humor. Restless overthinker, insufferably perfectionist, overly obsessed with being practical in all things.Expertise; game props, marketing campaigns, character design, personal commissions, educational book illustrations.Socials:
Instagram: @ paolapieretti.art
Ko-Fi: @ paolapierettiart
DeviantArt: @ paolapieretti

March 12 @ 2024Hello there!
As per every year I update the site layout, and I'm preparing a section dedicated to my own little OCverse, if you're interested on them :3 ~
I've been stepping outside my comfort zone with character design and creation and I'm having a blast. It's certainly challenging, and it helps that I already had a set of old characters to work with, 'cause I'm actually terrible with creating things from scratch, but enhancing them and analyzing things, looking back, it's actually something I strive in and just love to do. So it's a matter of gaining some perspective over time really haha. Anyways I'm just rambling now lolAlso, I will be opening commissions by March 23rd. I will be trying out this platform called Artistree, so feel free to check it out beforehand. As a client you don't need to have a account there, as far as I know.You can always email me if you have questions or details to discuss!That's all for today, take care of yourselves!

December 4th @ 2023News and Art Give AwayHow you doing guys?I just wanna say; I'm SO HAPPY that we finally broke the 11,5k followers curse on instagram and are now 11,9k. If we get to 12k by the end of this year I'll be doing an art piece give away there, keep an eye on my posts!And on a totally different note; I've just opened another commission list, and put the preview list online (you can check if your request is in place and listed correctly here).As I've mentioned in my email notifications I was hoping I'd get my new pc in the meanwhile, and it has indeed arrived. With a manufacture defect. lmao fml. So I called for the support and it has been a few days... The tech support is scheduled to come by tomorrow. I might just delay sending the confirmation emails on your requests for a little while, 'cause it's been literally impossible to operate and let alone work on huge files on this dying laptop. It crashes all the time, it shows memory errors, it's a total nightmare to do anything on it. So hopefuly everything will be fixed by tomorrow and I can get things going.That said, I hope you all a wonderfull end of the year, may you have an amazing 2024!Love ya x)August 5th @ 2023DAMN GUYS! I'm just now updating the commission batch, and I must say, when I went to check the response sheet and my email, as a few people had to contact me through there, I thought to myself: well it's only a few names, it will be a short list... YOU GOT ME FOOLED BIG TIME! XDEveryone asked for multiple pieces and I was like WHAAAT? Specially after doing such a long hiatus, it was quite the shock. But what can I say??? I can't complain, 'cause I'm in desperate need for a new computer. Hopefully with a more potent machine I could start making livestreams or recording some stuff for you, idk 'cause my laptop as it's now, it's good as a toaster - sometimes it crashes when dealing with large canvas files and it's just pure pain :')But oh well - all of that just to say I'M REALLY GRATEFUL that you're all willing to work with me while being aware that I'm working at a slow pace. It was the same with my previous list - I was bottling up with anxiety with the time it was taking me to finish some pieces but I received the most warming, open arms emails as a reply and I couldn't be more relieved. I don't know what I've done to work with such WONDERFUL HUMAN BEINGS but I'm truly, truly grateful!Thank you everyone! I will give my very best and pour all of my heart into your pieces!July 3rd @ 2023
It's been a long time huh? Well, can't say much have changed on my health state - I'm still doing exams - but I'm not quitting investigating this further, 'cause I cannot rest until I know what's been afflicting me. I'm actually taking regular medications to counter my apparently non stop muscle spasm/contractions to endure the pain and that's kinda it. Since I'm on this medication, I've been able to draw a little, so that's why I could finally get back to my commission list.
Now as for the new upcoming list:
I've updated the commission types by adding a 'Headshot' type, for I have the annoying tendency to draw way more than I have to, to the point of a halfbody almost turn into a fullbody lmao, so yeah. For the new Halfbodies I don't have any samples, but they should be down to hips lenght, and no longer to half legs lenght.
Notice that the more complex types are for now, unavailable. It's the way I've found to keep working without burdening my health. I hope you understand <3I still don't have a date for the next opening, though.Also wanna thank all of you for the immense support, patience, care and kind words I received throughout this months. I'm truly blessed for having such beautiful human beings as my clients.Love you guys!January 24th @ 2023
Well, it was about damn time! Commissions will be opening again by January 29th - 8PM UTC!
I know it's less than a 7 days notice, but I didn't want to push it further into February. Let's get this year started once and for all!

November 29th @ 2022
Hello everyone. I know it's been a while but, I haven't found the strenght to be online lately - as you might have noticed even on my instagram.
It's been more than a month and I swear I've being in pain ever since.
I went to see an reumathologist specialized in spine, to see if my arm pain was related to it, he asked for an MRI and an eletroneuromiography, which didn't show anything, my spine is ok (ish) and my nerves too. So I'll see yet another physiotherapist tomorrow and check my muscles and try some more hardcore therapies, since just the previous sessions with massages and exercises didn't do anything for me. It's all leading to straight up tension and exaustion of my muscles; along with the injury that I probably didn't heal, from last year. And I've been working non stop; which lead to further worsening my previous conditions.
I have this trigger points on my back and they don't go away for nothing, and they could be the source of this pain and for compressing my nerves and for the bad circulation of my blood, causing it to be numb, sore and weak. I've been taking anti inflammatories for weeks and some tramadol for the pain, changing my life style, eating healthier, exercising, but I cannot live on meds forever, and it's driving me crazy that no one cares, all of these doctors, they don't care. I'm spending a lot of money trying just to feel okay and painless but they barely look to my face and just send me off with more medications. It's outraging and frustrating.I miss drawing SO MUCH.
But I'll keep trying. I'm so sorry for the few people who are still waiting their pieces, if I had the slightest condition to work I would but as it is now, I can't barely hold a pen. In the future, this will also mean that I'll have to diminish my lists and I hope you understand this is for my health sake. I love drawing and I love bringing people's characters to life but this is my passion and my livelyhood so I must take this serious.
I wish you all the best, and thanks for the comprehesion. Love you guys.October 21st @ 2022
Hello guys, I know this is really short notice but I have to postpone the opening of my commissions for the time being. I've never done this before so I'm counting with your comprehension.
The reason is that I'm trying to finish up the last pieces on my list but my whole arm is really really sore and I'm resting every other day trying to get it done but it starts to hurt after a few hours drawing.I'm really concerned that that injury from last year never really healed to the full, it seems, so I'll have to see a doctor again. Please know that I wouldn't call it off if I was sure that I could keep my schedule but that's not the case.Once I have this under control I'll let you know and set another date for the commission opening.My deepest apologies to you all.September 1st @ 2022
Hello! A quick check in, it's been a while since my last update.
Soon after I opened my last commissions batch I had covid so I spent a month recoverying and being completely useless since my symptoms were heavy headaches and extreme photosensibility (among other things), and well, in my line of work constantly staring into a screen is the very core of it so it was very difficult. Then I started to feel better and work again, and some irl issues came up, including Paypal being a pain in the ***, holding all of my money for more than a week and shitty communication systems. You cannot imagine the stress I went through. Only a few days ago I managed to solve this but in fact I'm not so confident in keeping using the platform from now on. As I said, a lot got in the way of my current work list and I think it will take a while before the next one, but until then, I will have to consider changing platforms for receiving those payments and if you'd have any suggestions, about which one you use and trust the most (excluding Paypal) please feel free to tell me, by insta DM's or e-mail. See ya next time!June 29th @ 2022
I'll be updating the current Commission list shortly! At this time only the preview list is up. Thank you all!
June 6th @ 2022
I should have opened a new commission list back in May but I'm just feeling a little burnt out so I'm postponing the next opening, hopefuly to this month still, but we'll see. As you know, my last batch was a mile long so maybe that's why. I'm grateful for your patience and concern <3 I truly am.
April 25th @ 2022
Hello again guys!
A while ago Huion contacted me about this collab, and these are my honest thoughts on the tablet!This model they sent me is the Inspiroy Keydial kd200.For me who have worked with a drawing tablet for 10+ years I must say I was blown away by the quality and feel of this tablet. The surface is smooth but offers a nice, rubber-like resistance, which I just love. The mini keyboard grants access to all the shortcuts I need while working on any drawing software and the dial is very handy for zoom in and out and the active drawing area is great. Not small, not huge (which I'm not particularly fond of), so for me it is just about the right size!And not to mention that it's wireless! NO CABLES, YEY! But it can be plugged in as well if you want to. The instalation process is pretty simple and straight forward, I had no issues with it at all.Overall, this product really suprised me!I was asked to draw a piece using the tablet, but unfortunatelly I wasn't able to record the process of drawing Itto because my notebook couldn't handle the heavy video files and it started to get really really slow and so I had to drop the idea. Nontheless, I had a really nice experience with the tablet!Thanks Huion! I'm most grateful for the opportunity!

November 29th @ 2022
Hello everyone. I know it's been a while but, I haven't found the strenght to be online lately - as you might have noticed even on my instagram.
It's been more than a month and I swear I've being in pain ever since.
I went to see an reumathologist specialized in spine, to see if my arm pain was related to it, he asked for an MRI and an eletroneuromiography, which didn't show anything, my spine is ok (ish) and my nerves too. So I'll see yet another physiotherapist tomorrow and check my muscles and try some more hardcore therapies, since just the previous sessions with massages and exercises didn't do anything for me. It's all leading to straight up tension and exaustion of my muscles; along with the injury that I probably didn't heal, from last year. And I've been working non stop; which lead to further worsening my previous conditions.
I have this trigger points on my back and they don't go away for nothing, and they could be the source of this pain and for compressing my nerves and for the bad circulation of my blood, causing it to be numb, sore and weak. I've been taking anti inflammatories for weeks and some tramadol for the pain, changing my life style, eating healthier, exercising, but I cannot live on meds forever, and it's driving me crazy that no one cares, all of these doctors, they don't care. I'm spending a lot of money trying just to feel okay and painless but they barely look to my face and just send me off with more medications. It's outraging and frustrating.I miss drawing SO MUCH.
But I'll keep trying. I'm so sorry for the few people who are still waiting their pieces, if I had the slightest condition to work I would but as it is now, I can't barely hold a pen. In the future, this will also mean that I'll have to diminish my lists and I hope you understand this is for my health sake. I love drawing and I love bringing people's characters to life but this is my passion and my livelyhood so I must take this serious.
I wish you all the best, and thanks for the comprehesion. Love you guys.==October 21st @ 2022 ==
Hello guys, I know this is really short notice but I have to postpone the opening of my commissions for the time being. I've never done this before so I'm counting with your comprehension.
The reason is that I'm trying to finish up the last pieces on my list but my whole arm is really really sore and I'm resting every other day trying to get it done but it starts to hurt after a few hours drawing.I'm really concerned that that injury from last year never really healed to the full, it seems, so I'll have to see a doctor again. Please know that I wouldn't call it off if I was sure that I could keep my schedule but that's not the case.Once I have this under control I'll let you know and set another date for the commission opening.My deepest apologies to you all.September 1st @ 2022
Hello! A quick check in, it's been a while since my last update.
Soon after I opened my last commissions batch I had covid so I spent a month recoverying and being completely useless since my symptoms were heavy headaches and extreme photosensibility (among other things), and well, in my line of work constantly staring into a screen is the very core of it so it was very difficult. Then I started to feel better and work again, and some irl issues came up, including Paypal being a pain in the ***, holding all of my money for more than a week and shitty communication systems. You cannot imagine the stress I went through. Only a few days ago I managed to solve this but in fact I'm not so confident in keeping using the platform from now on. As I said, a lot got in the way of my current work list and I think it will take a while before the next one, but until then, I will have to consider changing platforms for receiving those payments and if you'd have any suggestions, about which one you use and trust the most (excluding Paypal) please feel free to tell me, by insta DM's or e-mail. See ya next time!June 29th @ 2022
I'll be updating the current Commission list shortly! At this time only the preview list is up. Thank you all!
June 6th @ 2022
I should have opened a new commission list back in May but I'm just feeling a little burnt out so I'm postponing the next opening, hopefuly to this month still, but we'll see. As you know, my last batch was a mile long so maybe that's why. I'm grateful for your patience and concern <3 I truly am.
April 25th @ 2022
Hello again guys!
A while ago Huion contacted me about this collab, and these are my honest thoughts on the tablet!This model they sent me is the Inspiroy Keydial kd200.For me who have worked with a drawing tablet for 10+ years I must say I was blown away by the quality and feel of this tablet. The surface is smooth but offers a nice, rubber-like resistance, which I just love. The mini keyboard grants access to all the shortcuts I need while working on any drawing software and the dial is very handy for zoom in and out and the active drawing area is great. Not small, not huge (which I'm not particularly fond of), so for me it is just about the right size!And not to mention that it's wireless! NO CABLES, YEY! But it can be plugged in as well if you want to. The instalation process is pretty simple and straight forward, I had no issues with it at all.Overall, this product really suprised me!I was asked to draw a piece using the tablet, but unfortunatelly I wasn't able to record the process of drawing Itto because my notebook couldn't handle the heavy video files and it started to get really really slow and so I had to drop the idea. Nontheless, I had a really nice experience with the tablet!Thanks Huion! I'm most grateful for the opportunity!

March 14th @ 2022
Hi guys, quick update! I've been without internet acess for 6 whole days and so I couldn't update my website's list and I couldn't do that through 4G, for the assets were too heavy to be loaded through a smartphone without consuming all my ramaining data package in the process. But my internet conection is now restablished so I'll continue with the works. I'm so sorry for that!
February 20th @ 2022
WOW. First official opening of 2022 happened today and it just blew all of my expectations! Spots were taken in the speed of light! And so many! Names and orders are already placed in the Status list! I'll be revieweing the requests during this week, and as always, I'll be sending out confirmation to you by email. But if you're in the list, consider it done <3 and if you're not, just reach me out, it may be just human error on my end lol. This batch will be loooong but I'm just so excited to see people going for paintings and illustrations! I cannot thank you enough! For this year I told myself I'd be pushing my limits and doing better and better, and you make this possible through your support and trust. THANK YOU GUYS! <3
January 17th @ 2022New look on the website since well, it is a new year! I've been working on the last extra batch of comms from december tho'. But the vacations kinda broke my rhythm tbh. But that's okay!
And also I have some big news I cannot yet disclose, but I'm totally excited to share it with you! Stay tuned!

December 17th @ 2021
Hello guys! So, since I unexpectedly received enough commission requests through my DM's, regarding the few slots I was hoping to take, I want to let you know that I'll be opening the forms to take new commissions on the 19th - 8PM UTC as I've previously mentioned, BUT the requests that exceed the number I've estimated will be left for a future commission list.
I'm hoping that you'll understand that I need to take a break before starting it, to enjoy the Holidays and my family and rest for a bit, meaning that I won't be immediately starting to work on your commissions. If you sign up for this list, I need you to be aware of that.I'm counting your ever endearing comprehension.Thank you all! And Happy Holidays!December 11th @ 21
Wow guys I'm just speachless, some of my reels went viral and it got me to reach the 10k milestone on IG and I can't thank you enough!
I'm thinking about doing a give away to celebrate that, but this will most likely be happening in the beggining of 2022.
For now I'm working on the last pieces of my current list, but want to announce that I'll be opening a couple more spots in that same list before the end of this year. It will be fewer spots though' so I'll add them on my current list, instead of opening a brand new one. Opening will be happening by December 19th. After I'm finish with them all, I'll take a couple of weeks to rest 'cause we all need it, right?Also, I upgraded the "sketch" type for a grayscale bust, which you can check out on the examples gallery. It's a little more refined than the previous one I offered but I've been enjoying a lot doing them. Sketches are still available but I'll keep'm super simple.I guess that's all for now! I wish you all Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!November 8th @ 2021
I officially opened my Red Bubble shop! In a very awkward and shy way, with just a few pieces to test it out. If you have interest in any of my pieces just send me a word and I'll upload it there. They offer many products, mugs, phone covers, stickers, prints and pins, but since RB is a third party manufacturer, I don't get involved with shipping and printing things, meaning the base price is theirs to decide, but I wanted to give it a try!
Check it out HERE !November 6th @ 2021
I've just sent the one week ahead alert about my next commission opening; which will be happenning on November 13th, 8PM UTC. By this time, the forms will be opened. If you're not sure how this works or have any questions feel free to send me an email or ig dm!
October 18th @ 21
Guys, quick update note to let you know that I've been feeling really sick for the past 10 days and Idk what it is; Idk if it's covid or a really bad sinus crisis but I'm just taking care of myself so that's why I haven't updated / worked on the last pieces on my list. I wanted to close it up this month and open up again before October ends but for now I can't be sure. I apologize for the long wait.
September 1st @ 2021
Hello everyone. I've been kinda off lately 'cause for one I'm back to my policy of 'not working on the weekends' to prevent hurting myself and burning out in the process, but also because the last few days have been a little convoluted here on my end. My godfather passed away last Sunday and with all that comes with dealing with a loss in the family and also having had my birthday yesterday; it was all kind of mixed feelings and I was feeling a little overwhelmed by it all. So, I'm expecting to get back to my regular routine from now on. I'm counting on your patience and understanding. Thank you so much for the kudos I got from you on IG <3
August 13th @ 2021
Commissions are now CLOSED! If you missed the time window don't hesitate to email me, I might be able to squeeze in a couple more slots for this batch! Once again, thank you all!
August 6th @ 2021
Commissions will be opening as of next Friday, August 13th! Newsletter e-mail is already programmed to go your way if you are subscribed, so you don't forget! Just thought it would be nice updating here as well, even thought my current list is still on going, I believe it will be finished or at least, very close to the end by the time of the new opening. You might have noticed that I increased the prices overall up to 3~5 bucks. I've noticed that since I got the display, the only thing that occured is that I'm not only not drawing faster but I'm putting so much more detail on the inking part of the process that I thought it would just be fair. I'm a perfectionist and sometimes it kills me, but it is what it is, lmao
Hope you're doing fine my guys! See ya!July 12th @ 2021
Hey folks, big news! I just got my very first display tablet! It's a Huion Kamvas 16 Pro! It arrived last friday so I had just a couple of days to play with it and I'm still getting used to it - my brain still has to be rewired after being so used to work on the iPad, with the touchscreen and all that jazz lol. It's gonna take a while for me to get the hang of it but that was expected. I'm still working on the commissions, slow but steadily, now on a bigger canvas, yeeey!
I'm thinking I might be able to open up commissions again before July ends! Stay tunned!June 18th @ 2021
Commission forms were opened and closed within 2 hours! That was fast! I will be contacting you shortly to confirm & send payment info as well as adjusting any final details and clearing questions regarding your requests, if there's any. After that I shall be updating the new list here on my site. Thank you so much!
June 16th @ 2021
I've sent out my first newsletter e-mail today, informing about my next commission opening, planned for June 18th sooo yeah, praised be, technologies of the 21th century! As of right now, I'm just finishing my last pieces.
May 24th @ 2021You might have noticed the lack of activity and updates here and on my social media as well. I've been struggling a lot with artblock and burn out then, and of course, the whole pandemic thing wasn't helping either. Then I somehow injuried my whole arm. It started out with wrist and forewarm pain, similar to tendonitis - a very common pain to us artists (& gamers), but after a while the pain "diminished" and I started to feel my entire arm completely numb. Well, it diminished because it was numb, I realised later on. It lasted for weeks until I figured out that it was all related to a nerve on my neck that I have injuried when I extended my arm too much, one time. Of course I was completely terrified. lmao
But once I knew what it was I took the necessary measures to deal with it and so I started to feel my arm again just recently. The pain is likely 90% gone and I was just dying to be able to draw again - which you saw on instagram on the last few days if you follow me there. So yea, I took this forced time off to work on this new layout for the site and to implement a newsletter subscription form on it, so you don't miss the windows of commission openings ever again. I hope you enjoy and use it well!